Monday, June 19, 2006

Bush insider and Commerce undersecretary to head IT Lobbyist Firm: ITAA

Replacing Harris Miller as "Enemy #1" of IT workers at the ITAA, an IT industry association intent on harming IT workers through labor arbitrage, is Phillip Bond. He is a Bush insider and and just quit his job as head of the Office of Technology Policy (OTP) at the Commerce Department.

This is truly troublesome. It puts into question the independence of the OTP. This is clearly an unholy marriage between industry and government. The OTP should distance itself from the ITAA and this sad and irresponsible move.

Literally days before announcing a move to the ITAA Bond spoke on behalf of the government for their board of directors as reported here:;jsessionid=PLCWCZAFT3ZB2QSNDLRSKH0CJUNN2JVN?articleID=22101653.

All I can say is that Bush Administration officials have been a sad a cruel joke once again. But is anyone really surprised when a Bush insider becomes an industry lobbyist? The OTP by the way is the same organization claiming millions of IT jobs would be created, but then had to eat their words when we actually lost jobs. They have always had close ties to industry and no ties to IT professionals. Amazing - they claim to want to create jobs but not once have they spoken to labor groups about labor specific issues. Of course they always find time to meet with industry lobby groups.

Shame on them all! This government is suppose to be of and for the people. Instead, the OTP represents a sellout of our national interests. As Homer Simpson would say: BOOOOOOOH!!!

The only question now is who's image to place on my dart board now. Does Harris Miller come down? Not just yet. I'm still waiting to see his next move.


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